Sphider 1.5.3 and Sphider 1.5.3.PDO have been released

Updates to the Sphider search engine have been made. The latest version is 1.5.3. Sphider 1.5.3 is for use when both MySQLi and MySQLnd modules are available in PHP. For individuals who’s host does NOT provide MySQLnd support, but DO provide PDO support, Sphider 1.5.3.PDO is also available. You may find both on the Downloads page (Click the Downloads tab at the top of this page.)

To avoid confusion concerning versions, the PDO version not longer contains a “.1” at the end of the version number, but a simple “.PDO” to distinguish it from the non-PDO version. (Some people thought was an minor update from 1.5.2 when it actually was identical but coded for PDO instead of MySQLnd.)

Changes in 1.5.3 from 1.5.2 are:
Better support for https sites.
Ability to better recognize and follow the directives in a robots.txt file.
Correction of a potential problem when using the CleanDomains function in the event there was only a single domain to clean.
Fixed a number of errors which could appear when a database table prefix contains a hyphen.
Fixed a potential error when running under PHP 7.